
The digital companion for career guidance

The issue of guidance concerns all those involved in providing information and support to young people. The multiplicity of actors makes it difficult for parents and students to understand the pathways. Faced with this situation, AVENRIA is developing an innovative digital tool to help with school and career guidance. Its objective is to reassure parents and students with a solution that can be accessed anywhere, at any time, and that gives them control over their orientation. It thus aims to :

  • simplify access to information by offering content adapted to the user's profile;
  • to propose personalised and relevant answers on the trades to be considered at a cost accessible to all;
  • obtain information on occupations without opportunities or with high potential.


An intuitive support tool, it should also enable schools to be accompanied on the challenge of guidance and reconnecting with parents and students.

The project leaders

Guillaume Lecomte & Ilda Lecomte.

Their superpower ?

Helping young people and people undergoing retraining to find their professional path, contributing to the fight against dropping out of school and to the development of skills.



[email protected]
29, chemin du vieux chêne – 38240 MEYLAN

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