A toolbox to build your plane in mid-flight

Because there is no ideal roadmap for creating a startup and everyone has their own specific questions,
there is no preconceived programme at the Tarmac. We provide a kind of contractor's toolbox
from which to draw as he wanders. No promotions either, because the startups get on board or
take off throughout the year. But don't worry, you'll be able to talk about all the subjects you want to talk about.
related to entrepreneurship over the 3 years, just when you need it !


Testing the positioning of the offer
Finalisation of the market analysis and field tests
Carrying out the technical feasibility study and tests with experts
Definition of the main assumptions of the business plan (BP)
Identification of possible decisive partnerships
Search for partners


Setting up the company (articles of association, IP protection, partnership agreements, etc.)
Prototype / beta version / Minimum Viable Product tested
Identification of customer targets
First version of the customer path and marketing strategy
Pricing definition
First version of the development, production and distribution process
Decisive partnerships necessary for the launch of the offer signed
Recruitment: setting up a team (trainees, employees, mentors identified to set up a first governance board)


Proof of Concept (POC): test of the offer on an identified segment
Business model test
First customers won
Participation in trade fairs, competitions, conferences...
Market traction indicators
Search for subsidies,
Fonds friends & family
Recruitment of the first employees
Start of structuring the HR function
Automation of key processes (e.g. customer management)
IT architecture capable of supporting scalability


Financing the indsutrialisation phase
Anticipating all the industrial stages to move from R&D to mass production
Drawing up an industrialization file
Mixing V-cycle and lean at each stage
Choosing your subcontractors
Optimising industrial purchases
Setting up your supply chain
Structuring the team
Secure versioning
Choose sustainable and scalable technologies (cloud tools, platforms, etc.).
Setting up software factories by automating everything that can be automated


Recurring revenues obtained in the core segment
Offer marketed in a critical size market/segment
Business model validated and tested on a critical size target
Production and distribution processes adapted to the increase in demand
Series A, debt, public financing
Signature of partnerships or extensions to enter new markets
CRM / ERP implemented
Team growth
Sales forces recruited
Formalized corporate culture

Figures that take your breath away

of failure after 3 years for unaccompanied companies
0 %
0 %

of success after 3 years for companies created in nurseries (national average)

0 %

de pérennité après 7 ans pour les startups incubées  au Tarmac

Flight instructions

customised programmes

Driver coaching

Regular checkpoints, mentoring, sponsorship...

Targeted networking

Experts, partners,
potential customers...

Training / Conferences

Action training, theme days, expert focus...

Training flights

Sharing experience,
pooling of resources...

Visibility optimisation

Writing articles,
social network posts, Press relations...

Recruitment assistance

Job forums in schools, Jobboard...

in practice per year




business events


workshops and thematic days


articles written and 200 posts on social networks

Worktop 1


CVs sourced from schools for startups

access to a POWERFUL network

A committed support ecosystem

The ecosystem in which the startup evolves plays a key role in its success.
This is why we have built a strong network of partners and benefit from the support of key players :
experts in supporting start-ups, financing partners, clusters, media...
And we are like your compass to help you find your way through the jungle of devices and structures.
Because time is the startupper's number one enemy. The Tarmac is there to help you knock on the right door at the right time !


Hand-picked experts recommended by our contractors. Because the field is our only guide. With a detailed knowledge of the specifics of each one, we guide you to the experts best suited to your own questions.

Public and private

Invest in The Alps, Inria, Digital League, French Tech in the Alps, Minalogic, Medicalps, Pépite Ozer, La Pousada, Ecobiz, Grex, Linksium, InnoEnergy... The Tarmac maintains close links with all the players in the field of innovation.


Young entrepreneurs can ask questions to experienced pilots, who can help them through the learning curve without making the same mistakes as their predecessors.


Banks, individual investors, VC, Business Angels, Initiative network, Réseau Entreprendre Isère, crowdfunding platform... Tarmac gives you access to a wide range of
financing actors.

and universities

Participation in recruitment forums, distribution of job offers, CV sourcing... To facilitate your recruitment, we work hand in hand with IT and business schools and universities.


Le Dauphiné Libéré, Beaux Quartiers, France Bleue Isère, TéléGrenoble, Présence, Bref Eco, L'Essor... Le Tarmac has established privileged relations with the local and regional media in order to guarantee you maximum visibility.

A selection of projects in 3 stages

The selection committee is made up of business leaders and stakeholders in the ecosystem.


First exchanges with the Tarmac team.


Sending the application form.


Passage before
the selection committee

+ more than 60 experts volunteers involved with the Tarmac

selection committees on average per year

arrivals / departures
on average per year

And also labels de qualité

to evolve in a diversified and international environment

In partnership with Grenoble Alpes Métropole, the Tarmac has been awarded the "Tarmac" label. Grenoble Alpes Base Camp OSV. Sports, outdoor, health and well-being startups, accommodated at the Tarmac, can benefit from co-support from OSV.

Aura Pep’s is the booster of entrepreneurial success in the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region. This network of entrepreneurial centres, business incubators and business start-up centres helps the development and success of these structures, of the territories but also of the creators so that the region is a real land of entrepreneurial success.

Labelled French Tech Visa, the Tarmac le Tarmac has joined forces with French Tech in the Alps, Invest in Grenoble and Savoie Technolac to set up an inter-incubator partnership project at international level, in partnership with the French Tech Taïwan, The Village by CA, The Hub 612 and the Team France Export. The objective: to promote international softlanding and to welcome in bootcamp startups considering development outside their borders.

The Tarmac is also labelled French Tech Tremplin to rebalance opportunities and ensure that everyone has access to the same benefits, whether they come from privileged backgrounds or underprivileged neighbourhoods, scholarship students, political refugees, etc.

They support our actions