NH Theraguix

Nanoparticles for theranostics, combining imaging and therapy

NH TherAguix is a biotechnology company developing a technology platform for intravenously administered radiosensitizing nanoparticles, the result of ten years of international academic research.

Currently in phase 2 clinical evaluation in cancer patients, its drug candidate AGuIX® , whose potential efficacy is based on a nanometric structure, allows its administration by intravenous injection and the combination of the three essential assets to fight tumors: targeting, imaging and treatment.

The AGuIX technology is therefore part of the theranostics concept, which corresponds to a combination of therapy (radiosensitizing effect) and diagnosis (visible in MRI), and more broadly in the personalized medicine of tomorrow.


The project leaders

Géraldine LE DUC.

Their superpower ?

Increase the effectiveness of radiotherapy treatments for cancers without destroying healthy cells.


[email protected]
29 chemin du vieux chêne – 38240 MEYLAN

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