human first !
Warranty without compensation
Our leitmotiv : COHERENCE, MUTUALISATION and PASSION. All this in a relaxed atmosphere !

We believe in all the projects we support. We parallel the tasks to truly team up with each incubated startup,
according to the needs.

We are convinced that the sharing of experience and cooperation promotes
decision making and
accélèrent le go to market.

Our support is guaranteed free of charge !
We do not take shares in the capital and pursue a single objective: the successful launch of our startups in complete autonomy !

Our motivation: to promote the emergence of new technologies for a better world. That's why we don't hesitate to get our hands dirty !

Result : une communauté engagée et bienveillante
95% of failures are due to people, 95% of successes too: the Tarmac's community of entrepreneurs is the key asset to your success. At the Tarmac, you will rub shoulders with experienced or novice drivers, sharing their good practices, but also their difficulties.
Because sharing with other entrepreneurs, faced with the same problems, is a pillar of entrepreneurial success, the Tarmac aims to be a talent agitator and a centrifuge for ideas... collaborative! Convinced that it is the diversity of projects that makes the richness and strength of our ecosystem, we welcome companies from very different backgrounds, even if they all have one thing in common: innovation at the heart of their DNA.

Les valeurs d'une association /
la culture d'une startup
Ou le succès d'un partenariat public / privé frugal et vertueux
Le Tarmac n’existe pas… En tout cas, pas en tant que structure juridique. Derrière l’incubateur Tarmac se cache un partenariat public / privé atypique. Sa force repose sur l’engagement des collectivités territoriales et un réseau d’acteurs fédérés pour favoriser le développement économique et la création d’entreprises.
Supported by the association inovallée, le Tarmac a tiré le meilleur des deux modèles, public et privé. Du public, il a retenu la culture désintéressée des missions d’intérêt général. Du privé (inovallée s’auto-finance à 80%), le Tarmac puise toute sa culture entrepreneuriale de la startup : proposition de valeur, optimisation financière, Marcom… Toutes les questions qui t’attendent sont les nôtres depuis toujours !

auprès des startups
To better understand the business of each of our startups and help them promote their technologies or services, we don't hesitate to put our hands in the dirt with them! Presence at trade fairs to provide operational support for their teams, pooling of stands at these fairs, participation in recruitment forums, etc.

You are not born an entrepreneur,
on le devient
Promoting entrepreneurship among young people
Because being an entrepreneur means above all pursuing your passion and achieving your vision, Tarmac helps to raise awareness of entrepreneurship among young people. The aim: to pass on the entrepreneurial culture to young people while enabling them to learn more about the reality of being an entrepreneur.
Meetings between startups and middle and high school students.
Participation in school juries.
Promotion of student projects to startups.

Tarmac is involved in national programmes

The crew at the controls
Enjoy your flight with us !
Targeted introductions, organisation of business and networking events... The Tarmac team
is there to help you get your start-up off the ground: it guides you and opens the doors
to the entrepreneurial and innovation ecosystem. Don't hesitate to ask its on-board staff any questions you may have !

Jérémy Touffut
Homme de terrain, Jérémy a une double expérience en accompagnement d’entreprises et en Business Development. Il possède une vision affûtée des problématiques de financement de l’innovation, mais aussi de la stratégie commerciale et du Go to market .

On-board receptionist
Marie Gagnieux
Bienvenue à bord du Tarmac ! Attentive à votre confort tout au long du vol, Marie vous accueille toujours avec le sourire. Elle s’occupe de la distribution du courrier, des colis, vous trouve une salle de réunion lorsque vous en avez besoin. Elle s’assure aussi du bon fonctionnement des équipements mutualisés.
They support our actions