
complex contents, simple videos

Minimento is specialized in the synthesis and simplification of complex data through entertaining and explanatory videos. To do so, the team has developed a synthesis method, called SYNTÉTIC©. Resulting from the fusion of marketing techniques, pedagogical engineering and cognitive sciences, SYNTÉTIC© allows them to efficiently simplify any type of subject.

The fields of application of this know-how are varied: presentation of an activity, a technological innovation, annual results, training content, or market research. Minimento, the name of the company but also of the delivered video support, meet the needs of the market.

This principle of content digitization, which has been successfully tested with numerous clients, is now being applied to support the digital transformation of companies.

The project leaders

Baptiste VERNIER and Matthieu VERDON.

Their superpower ?

You'll understand... Transforming any complex content into a fun and educational video! But our team of enthusiasts cultivates another dream: to make quality knowledge accessible to the greatest number of people. This is what we do with our minimento for education.


Discover the other startups of the Tarmac !

  • All
  • Digital Imaging
  • Gamification
  • HealthTech
  • IA
  • IoT
  • Jeu vidéo
  • Marketing
  • Sciences cognitives
  • Wellness

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