Startups on the track
Introduction to flying
You are a unicorn, a pegasus, a fighter plane, or even a biplane ...
Did you know that dedicated support can increase the durability and growth of your innovative company ?
So fasten your seat belt and get ready to get your start-up off the ground !

successful take-offs
They fly on their own wings
Beautiful startups were born at the Tarmac and took off. Discover them !

smooth crashes
They were able to bounce back
We advocate transparency, so we are not going to try to make you believe that all our startups are flying towards success... But we do everything to also accompany those who fail in a "comfortable" rebound. Sometimes beautiful stories are also born from failure. And they all agree that the experience gained in a startup has no equivalent !

While Bilel joined HPE, Arnaud joined Lyf Pay after working for over a year for Microsoft in Ireland. As for Rémi, he now works for Collibris, another startup born on the Tarmac !

Depuis l’arrêt de sa startup, Julien met son expérience au profit des jeunes entrepreneurs. Mentor et parrain de nombreuses startups, il a recréé la startup Pitchliners avec un autre entrepreneur du Tarmac.
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